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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

So Much for a Romantic Thought

Little girls’ fantasize about their wedding day; that is already known.  What a lot of people forget to remember is they dream about how the love of their life is actually going to purpose to them.  What happened to the days when the husband to be actually took the time to make it romantic.  Watching all those sappy romance movies you watch the husband to be spend time picking out the beautiful Tiffany’s Diamond ring (you know the one every woman dreams about getting but few rarely do).  The husband-to-be remarkably knows exactly what Tiffany’s Diamond she dreams about; which is at least a carat or more.  He goes to the extreme to make it an unforgettable experience, such as taking her childhood fairy tales and turning it into a reality.  Such as when a  little girl always believed that flutterflies were really little fairies that used to leave her trinkets behind was taken to a field full of flutterflies and found the most amazing trinket the fairies could have left—an engagement ring held by the man she was meant to marry.  However, with all the technology around these days and the fact that engagements don’t mean what they did back then, it is a wonder there still exists any romantic engagement stories being told.  I actually had someone ask me to marry him in a text message—true story and he was serious—as if it was an everyday question.  I am sure that is what every little girl dreams about right; so much for a happy ending of being swept off my feet.   I didn't even get my Tiffany's ring, or a ring period for that matter--which I finally had to buy myself.  I think I should of ran at the text message!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

What is Mesothelioma

Nowadays you can not turn on your tv without seeing at least one add on Mesothelioma.  Your heart starts to break just thinking about how many people have been diagnosed with this horrible type of cancer.  Unfortunately, there is always an ambulance chaser looking to make money on someone else's illness or problem.  Car accident "One call that's all"  or "after you call 911 call 411."  Are you kidding me.  I agree that these people need help but it seems like everyone out there is in line to make a quick buck off of others pain.  Isn't there a way to help these people without always seem like they are not really sincere but just want a cut of the money owed to you.  Mesothelioma is a dangerous cancer that is basically a death sentence.  Mesothelioma affects the loved ones around you, the community you are active in, and now the lawyers who supposed to help you.  Who ever thought that Mesothelioma would be the next big money maker?

Dailey Quotes

Have you brought out the Pepper in you?  Drink a Dr. Pepper and tell me how good the Dr. Feels!

Oh Daddy Dear

I was zooming down the highway in my decked out wonderful little powder blue Prius and talking on my brand new Droid, trying to explain that all the idiots in the world just don’t know a good race car—that the Prius is—when they see one.  All of a sudden I am forced to throw my brand new phone at the stupid John Deer Tractor that just cut me off.  What was he thinking?  The rudeness that a tractor even is allowed on the road; aren’t they supposed to be in fields or something!  Great now this meanie of a farm worker has the audacity to yell at me.   Where is my phone, I have to call his employer and get him fired—teach that idiot to cut my precious little powder blue Prius off again.  I mean, couldn’t he hear the neeee neeee neeee neeeee as I vroomed on by.  Great my phone, it is broken.  How dare he make me throw my new phone out the window at him?  Can you believe he blames this on me; trying to say if I wasn’t trying to change my cd’s out while talking on the phone, drinking a Dr. Pepper and smoke a cigarette all at the same time I would have notice him pulling out.  Wait until my rich daddy hears about this.  I am just sure Daddy is going to buy that man’s farm and fire him just for being mean to his little precious princess.  Now if only if I had my Droid to call him … “hey Mr. John Deer Tractor Man, can I use your cell phone to call my Daddy?”

Friday, October 14, 2011

Are They Really Making Me Sleep in There!

This poem was written for my first son on his first night in his own room.  Turtle is his nickname.  I hope to one day turn this in to a children’s book.

I grab my teddy bear with my lip in a pout
Because my Mommy and Daddy said it’s time to move out.
They said it’s time to sleep where big boys do
Cradled in my crib, all shiny and new.

I will show Mommy and Daddy and stay up late!
Sleep for me will just have to wait!
I will play and laugh and through a fit!
I am not going to sleep, sleep not one bit!

Oh but this bed is so soft.
Oh no I feel my eyes slowly drifting off.
Mommy tricked me and played my music low
And turned out the lights and left the night light to glow.

Mommy fed me a bottle and filled my tummy up just right
Then she wrapped me in a blanket so warm and so tight.
She kissed my head and whispered in my ear,

What Did I Come In Here For?????

As I struggle to carry my squirming child in my arms, the empty diaper bag thrown over my shoulder and his sippy-cup in my right hand, I hurriedly walked thru the automatic doors only to be greeted with the required phrase, “Welcome to Walmart.”  I grab the ever annoying but typical cart that seriously needs an alignment that rattles and shakes with each resisting push.  I am easily sidetracked as I pass a sweater that just might look fabulous on me.  Gee, I wonder if it comes in my size.  The next thing I know I have spent about an hour rummaging through the ladies cloths department for the latest fashion that just may enhance my womanly charms and bring out my inner MILF.  Realizing that I still had a purpose for coming in to this mouse trap, I mosey on through to the next department.  Oh my gosh, I don’t have any shoes that would match this new sweater.  Off to the shoe department, I swear I saw the perfect boots that now is a must that I have.  During the time I am searching through the wonderful world of shoes I receive a text message from Verizon.  Oh yea, it’s the time for the bill to be sent out.  Didn’t I hear somewhere that StraightTalk has an unlimited plan that is even cheaper with more features?  Off to the electronics department, I just know they’ve got to carry StraightTalk phones.  Lucky for me they didn’t have the Smartphone in stock, but the new movie I have been dying to see is finally out, so into the cart it goes.  Scotty McCreary has already put out a CD; didn’t he just win American Idol?  Guess I got to get that too.    After being in the buggy for two hours, my child suddenly starts fussing to get down and walk by himself.  No sooner than I put him down upon the hard aisle way of the store, to the toy department I was chasing after him.  Alright child you can have that toy, now help me find your broder (what he calls his brother) a toy too; can’t be unfair now can we.  As I am walking through the toy department I again start imagining how I am going to make up my makeup to augment my new look—my inner MILF—but swiftly remember that earlier that morning this pistol of a child, sitting in the buggy with his new toy and throwing everything that wasn’t out over the side, had spilled all of my foundation powder all over himself and the floor.  Here we go again, off to another department.  I am soon engulfed in all the products that claim to improve and increase my natural beauty (or I should say, after two kids, what’s left of it) and have not only replaced my powder but also picked out new eye-shadow that will make my eyes pop, a twenty-four (24) hour eyeliner, a mascara that will lengthen and thicken my eye lashes, and smudge proof lipstick in three different shades.  I have now spent three hours in Walmart, approximately $300.00 in items and now I can’t even remember why I had to come here in the first place.  Figuring I had everything, I mosey on over to the check out center, pick which of the three lines that are open would be fastest (I have much to much stuff to attempt the ever annoying self-checkout) and prepare to wait in a horrifically long line.  Oh I am so ready to head to the house, my child has started screaming for reasons I can’t figure out, my back and neck hurt from lifting and bending and walking. Wouldn’t you know, once I start checking out, one of the items I just could not live without moments ago, needs a price check.  Once done with this shopping excursion I make the Solomon vow—as I had previously made just two days ago—that next time I am only coming in for the item I need.  I head tirelessly to my car and slowly-but-surely load all the walmart bags into the trunk.  Now it is time to load the screaming kid into his carseat I am overwhelmed with the most God awful, raunchiest smell . . .  Oh for sweet pea, that is why I came to Walmart, I needed diapers.  

Daily Quotes

There are a small amount of arrangements in life in which difficulties have not to be encountered. These difficulties are, however, our best mentors, as our blunders time and again structure our best experience.